Unleash your inner machinist

The human mind is something quite remarkable. There are few things in life as indomitable as the human mind. I recently watched the 2004 Christian Bale movie, The Machinist and was stunned by his transformation.

Bale, an American actor, reportedly lost around 63 pounds or 28.5 kg’s for the role. It is said to be a record for any actor for a movie role. His diet, he said, consisted of one can of tuna and an apple a day. He regained the weight in time for his role in Batman Begins in 2005. Images of a frail-looking Bale are incredible.


Pictures of Christian Bale pre and post his weight loss transformation.

“What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve,” right? Wrong! If we believed that, why do we often doubt our own abilities? We’re afraid to set goals in fear of never achieving it. Many of us (including me) have declared 2016 to be our year. This would be the year we’d finally start saving money. Or the year we’d lose that access weight. Or the year we’d finally tackle that long-awaited project we’ve been dreaming of our entire lives. The year is reaching its mid-year level and what progress have we made?

I’m as guilty as you in setting aside my planned goals for 2016, a short four months ago. I’ve lost my way in more ways than one and no one can be more disappointed in me than I am. But although I’ve failed, I’ve decided to keep at it. My one ‘super-project’ (which I hope to share with you in my next blogpost) is still ongoing, slowly but surely. I’m not nearly where I’d hoped I’d be but at least I’m not completely off track (touch wood!).

Let’s not get side-tracked by life. Let’s not lose focus. Our dreams are waiting. Let’s encourage and support each other. I’ve had many dark periods but every morning I pick myself up, dust myself off and get back on the dark horse again. Life is not meant to be easy. It’s meant to be hard and educational and hurtful and joyful and loving and sometimes, soooo much fun!

The secret to a successful life is locked in your mind. Unleash it on the world. Shout it from the top of the mountain. Free your inner self from the chains that’s been holding you back. You are wonderful! You are amazing! And you can achieve anything your mind can conceive. Literally, anything.

Till next time. Hugs and high5’s!

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